On-the-Job Training After Hours
Distance learning is reshaping the learning curve, especially in the workforce. Learning online is increasingly becoming standard practice as the focus leans from titles to skills. Call it online learning, online education, or on-the-job training after hours. Whatever you call it, the price and convenience of online training benefit your team and your profile.
Radio and TV were once considered platforms for distance learning, believe it or not. In 1937, schools briefly closed in Chicago because of a polio outbreak, and lessons were broadcast over the radio. In 1952, the FCC set aside non-commercial TV channels for educational programming, but funding never came through.
The early days of the Web were also considered ideal for education. But computers were expensive, the Internet slow, not widely accessible, and online courses were a novelty. All these years later, distance learning is taking shape.

Udemy, Codecademy, LinkedIn, and Coursera
Udemy, Codecademy, LinkedIn, and Coursera are among the leaders by market share for online course providers. Udemy boasts more than 40 million learners.
The University of Phoenix became the first to offer online college education in 1989. In 2005, more than three million college students in the U.S. took at least one online course. Post-pandemic, as many as 11.8 million undergraduate students are studying online.

Findstack’s Ultimate List of e-Learning Statistics for 2022 says that 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies utilize online training. LMS and GEM, for instance, are happy to help pay for training.
A recent Statista study shows that in 2021, companies with 100 to 999 employees spent an average of $1,433 per learner on training. Midsize companies (1,000 and 9,999) $902, and those with over 10,000 employees $722.
Current Best Selling Udemy Courses:
AWS Certification
Web Development
Distance Learning is Still Taking Shape
The number of online learners is challenging to determine, as many courses are free and don’t require registration. However, the benefits of brushing up on skills or earning certification are evident. The nature of remote working in 2022 calls for more standups, project management software, and information exchange. In short, it’s more difficult to hide a lack of skills.
Learning online is easier for many people, particularly adults. Not everyone can focus in a class full of students. The time constraints and pressure of a live course or exam can also obstruct students from achieving the results of which they are capable.
Distance learning is not as easy for children, as a New York Times article explains, but they’re giving it a great effort. They haven’t been given the time or resources to prepare like those in the workforce.
The distance learning platform is still taking shape, but learning is as much a part of the job as working. With rapidly evolving technologies everywhere, it pays to stay ahead of the learning curve.