The Holidays are a time of fluctuating emotions and thinking about what was, what is, and what will be. Positivity is the simplest path to your goals, so please, end your year with positive affirmations wherever you can find them.
One of our team leaders at LMS has handed out small boxes of quote cards to reach your goals. It is a simple but telling gesture to spread positivity to accomplish goals. Simple, as they are small cards with short phrases. Telling, as they reinforce a culture of positivity.
If you don’t have a source for positive affirmations, thousands are available with a click to inspire. It may seem impersonal to look for inspiration online or in an app, but since you’re already connected, why not look?

An App for Positive Affirmations?
ThinkUp is one of the most popular apps for daily affirmations. You can add music to enhance the experience and even record affirmations with your voice and image of your choice. It’s not free ($3.33 to $7.99 per month), but trials are available.
The affirmations come from best-selling authors, life coaches, and psychological professionals. This well-organized and simple-to-read app and website covers self-esteem, healing, happiness, and inner peace.
Positivity for Free
Smiling Mind offers a free app for daily meditation and mindful exercises. It aims at wellness beginners, and they suggest ten minutes daily. It begins with ages three and up with a mission “to provide accessible, life-long tools to support healthy minds.”
Since 2012 it has caught on with families, schools, and corporate clients. Smiling Mind offers a blog with short reads focused on subjects such as “The Importance of Mindfulness for Children.”
Don’t Let the Ads Blow Your Vibe
Searching for positive affirmation sites is time-consuming. Some landing pages look like fireworks displays of pop-up ads, and others are no longer active. No surprise, but it defeats the point of mining for positivity, doesn’t it?
One website for positive affirmations that is free and makes many of the favorites lists is BrainyQuote. At 21 years old, it calls itself the world’s largest quotation site. It’s not all positivity, but it has plenty to offer.
“The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations” (Benjamin Disraeli) is cited on BrainyQuote’s About Us page.

End Your Year with Positive Affirmations
The Quote Garden is another popular website for quotes and affirmations, searchable by subject. “Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be?” (unknown author) is one it offers to provoke thought.
The LMS Human Resources Team hosted “Well-being Mondays” in May last year to promote mental wellness and positivity. It was an ambitious effort and an excellent example of how vital a healthy culture is to our team.
Whatever your source of inspiration, you don’t need to pay for it. A positive work culture can go a long way to making your day more positive. Ask a cheerful friend or find a site, book, or box of quote cards to keep you on the right track.
“You can’t make positive choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural, and enjoyable” – Deepak Chopra
Five of the most accessible websites for positive affirmations:
BrainyQuote – Most popular and extensive
Goodreads – Dominated by authors
MoveMe – Includes photo quotes and articles
QuotesLyfe – Endless selection
Wisdom Quotes – Simple, expansive